Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Happiness is a lasting state of mind unlike pleasure which is fleetingly transient." 2 minute mantra meditate, 6 minute contemplate.

Happiness comes from within.  It is our attitude towards the outer world, it is something we have the potential to always control regardless of what is happening in the outer world.  Pleasure is a reaction to stimuli from the outer world.  We can certainly control how we react and that is certainly an inner action.  But, the reaction only happens to external stimuli.  We do not have the potential to completely control out stimuli.  We can influence that they happen, but there may be things beyond our control to make them happen.  And, there may be things we wish to not stimulate us for we we do not have control to prevent.  There is the adage that attachments make us unhappy, they make us suffer.  The reason is that we allow our happiness to be dependent on those attachments.  And since attachments are external things, we do not have control and so when we lose them or don't have them for a time out of our non-control, then we become unhappy.  It is the lack of total control that makes pleasure fleetingly transient.  We cannot control the outer world, however we can learn to control how we react to it and our attitude towards it.

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