Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Love is unconditional." 2 minute mantra, 6 minute contemplation.

Love is unconditional.  Love to me consists of 4 value towards others and self: Well-being, easing of burden, nurturing of growth and acceptance as is.  The Dalai Lama's concept that making others happy is through kindness and compassion.  I correspond valuing well-being to be compassion and easing of burden to be kindness.  Nurturing growth and accepting as is are two additional values I feel are important as well.  The root of love is desiring these things.  You may not be able to actually act on the desires, but the desire is fundamental.  You may provide such things towards another, but unless you desire those outcomes, then it is not love, but just a meaningless facade.  If you do truly desire these things, then you will act on them or attempt to act.  Of course, if the receiver does not wish them, then it is counterproductive to love to force it upon them.  What you can do is let them know you desire those things for them and that you are available for the asking to provide them.  Love is unconditional.  The power of love lies in that it is given freely, without condition.  If you provide any of the four aspects with condition, then you are exercising power over someone or you are alienating them.  Power if you insist they meet a condition which they can provide such as doing a favor or living in a particular way.  Alienation if the condition is unmeetable such as being a family member or having a certain sexual orientation.

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