Wednesday, January 14, 2015

"We all live in and experience the same universe; we have different ways of describing the universe that works for each of us. The only objections I have to others' ways of describing it are those descriptions that condone or sanction devaluing, dehumanizing, hating or harming others." 7 minutes

We are all at the center of our psyche basically the same.  Spiritual beings that want to be happy and don't want to suffer.  Beyond that basis, we are all different, no two alike because our physical make ups are different via DNA, our minds our different via our different learning experiences, our emotional make ups are different because we have all been treated differently, our spiritual make ups are different because we have been taught different spiritualities.  But, we all reside in the same universe and all our experiences derive from being in the same universe.  It's just that we have all existed in different times and places in that universe so we see only a small part of the universe and that part is different from the small part that everyone else sees because the see their small part which in a different place and time.  It goes back to the 4 blind priests trying to describe an elephant each having only a different part to describe it from.  We develop our pictures of the world based on our own experiences and what explains our experiences and predicts our future experiences.  If we find a model failed to explain something in the past or our prediction of the future based on our model failed, then it is reasonable to modify our model, our beliefs.  And, it is very reasonable and beneficial to learn about other's beliefs because we may find that they have a belief that would improve our own model.

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