Monday, January 19, 2015

"It's not about avoiding sin, it's about embracing love." 2 minute mantra, 6 minute contemplate.

Happiness most efficiently comes from making others happy. Avoiding sin does not make others happy. It may avoid making them suffer, but our goal in life is to be happy. That is what you wish for us Lord, and you gave us the gift of love to accomplish that. Avoiding sin means making a list of the things I'm not supposed to do and worry about the consequences if I don't. This is a recipe for anxiety and fear, roots of internal suffering. We avoid sin for the sake of someone else. That is not bad in and of itself, but it does nothing for our own well-being and can be detrimental to it. We do desire happiness. Happiness does bring us well-being. It feels good in bringing us calm and peace and unity with the universe. Those are motivations for us. We want to pursue happiness for our own sake. And that is good because pursuing happiness for our own sake also spreads happiness among others. If we pursue avoiding sin, then the anxiety and fear it brings upon ourselves spreads to others. That is why being judgmental is a harmful thing. It degrades ourselves in our pursuit avoiding sin and it degrades and alienates others. And, this spreads suffering.

"It's not about avoid sin. Even doing that leads to sin because it makes us judgmental about ourselves and others which undermines love by making it conditional."

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