Friday, January 23, 2015

"There is no absolute moral right or wrong." 2 minutes mantra, 6 minutes contemplation.

There is no absolute moral right or wrong.  We have mad rules telling us what is right or wrong based on what is good for society.  This is or was a reason behind each rule stating something is right or wrong.  Sexual promiscuity can break down family units which are important for raising children and propagating the family line.  It can lead to disease, hence suffering and death. It can lead to unwanted pregnancies which can lead to unsafe abortion and risk the woman or cause suffering and death for the child. So, sexual promiscuity in and of itself is not bad.  It is the consequences that causes problems.  If you are willing to live with the consequences and those consequences are consistent with your values, then it is okay for you.  It is the consequences of our actions that should be the standard by which we judge them.  Not by whether the actions have been absolutely judge to be right or wrong.  The measure of our actions should be their consequences, not whether they have been absolutely deemed right or wrong actions.

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