Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Never do something for the sake of it being right.  Be mindful of the reason it is right and do it for that reason instead. " 2 minute mantra, 6 minute contemplation.

Doing something because it is right is really being an automaton without that.  No better than a robot.   Knowing something is right means someone told is it is right.  There must be a reason behind being told that it is right, even if it is ourselves that told us it is right.  It then becomes a mindless rule if we continue to do it solely because it has been designated as right.  The problem then is that we will do it in situations regardless of whether it is appropriate or not.  We may have a good sense of what the appropriate situations are, but a new situation may come along to which it doesn't apply, but we do it anyway.  Understanding why it is the right thing to do and applying it because of that reason ensures we do it appropriately.  It also avoids hypocrisy.  We may believe one thing, but act differently because we also believe that action is the right thing.  If we have a set of values, we could contradict them with actions of being right.  Following right things really handcuffs our freedom.  We blindly follow a set of rules without allowing ourselves to explore other ways of doing things, other things that can bring happiness and fulfillment we could know we could have if we mindless follow the right thing to do.

Always following the right way of living blinds us from exploring different better ways of living.

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