Saturday, January 17, 2015

"We all live in and experience the same universe; we have different ways of describing the universe that works for each of us. The only objections I have to others' ways of describing it are those descriptions that condone or sanction devaluing, dehumanizing, hating or harming others." 7 minutes

Lord, we are all created in great pot of diversity, no one alike. Our DNA ensuring our physical forms are nearly impossible to be identical and our development to be dependent on our environments which are practically impossible to be identical for any two of us. That is a beauty of diversity that is also beneficial. Each of us is limited in what we can learn through experience. By interacting with one another, we can learn beyond our own capacity and we can be a source of learning for others as well. That is why I value diversity and recognize that everyone has a different view of the universe and different ways of describing it. It matters not if they are even contradictory. What matters is that the way each person looks at the universe works for them as they see it and that they can have well-being and be accepted. Devaluing, dehumanizing, hating and harming undermines peoples chance for well-being and being accepted the things necessary for happiness. Each of us has a better chance at happiness if we all live for one another’s happiness. That is what makes Mary and my marriage work. If we don’t live for one another’s happiness then we suffer more. Thank you Lord for one another and the ability to live for one another’s happiness.

“Living for one another’s #happiness maximizes our own happiness. Living just for our own minimizes it. This is the power of love.”

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