Saturday, January 24, 2015

"We are all equally worthy of love from one another." 2 minute mantra, 6 minute contemplation.

 We are all equally worthy of love from one another. God didn't create crap. He created us. You created us. He created us to experience the joy and ecstasy, peace and calm that come from living in love with one another, loving in love with the universe. We all come from the same place. No one is evil, no one is good. We just are. We are designed to need love, we are designed to give love. That is all you need to know in order to judge us. Sin comes from not realizing we are all the same. It comes from fear that our differences are a threat. We want to survive, not be overburden, grow and be loved. I have always thought that mankind's original grouping into clans is source of conservatism fear of that which is different from what we think is right.

 It is our fear of others' beliefs and ways of doing things that are #different from our own that drives #sin.

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